Recertification through the Structured Credit Method

Structured credit is a system applied as an alternative to the recertification exam in occupations and levels where this methodology is provided for the professional qualification standards. The criteria for applying the system using the structured credit method are defined in document DC-003.

However, the professionals who perform their recertification using the structured credit method should take the recertification exam in their next recertification.

Note: regarding structured credit, the professionals who do not reach the minimum score required in the DC-003 documentations (70 points) should undergo the SNQC-CP the recertification exams.

To obtain recertification without the need of taking an exam, the professionals should prove their updating through a continuous development in the occupation and level for which recertification is sought. For this, the professionals should meet the following criteria:

  1. minimum score of 70 points obtained during the period of 5 (five) years counted from the certification date, according to activities and scores defined in Table 1;
  2. proven performance of at least 2 (two) years in the position certified by the SNQC-CP. 


Table 1 – List of Activities for the Scoring of Industrial Paint Inspectors 



Activity scoring (a)

Maximum score per year

Maximum score during the certification period (b)


Proven performance in the role in which the professionals are certified by SNQC-CP (c)

10 points per working year

40 points


Acting as an auditor in audit processes in the industrial painting area

2.5 points per working year

5 points

25 points


Completion of an industrial painting refresher course (online or distance learning) provided by ABRACO and other partner institutions, provided that it is duly approved by the Certification Sector for scoring using the structured credit method

10 points per working year

40 points


Participation in events of ABRACO and other partner institutions (congresses, seminars or workshops in person or at a distance) in the area of industrial painting, provided that they are duly approved by the Certification Sector for scoring using the structured credit method

10 points per event

40 points


Participation in minievents of ABRACO and other partner institutions in the area of industrial painting (in person or online), provided that it is duly approved by the Certification Sector for scoring using the structured credit method

5 points mini event

40 points


Participation in courses or events lasting a minimum of 6 hours organized through foreign institutions (such as AMMP, Icorr) as long as the subject is related to industrial painting.

5 points per event


10 points

(a) Only activities completed during the professionals’ certification period will be scored.

(b) Period between the date of certification and the validity of the professionals’ certification.

(c) The professionals should prove that they have worked for a minimum period of 2 (two) years in the function for which they are certified by the SNQC-C.


Activities approved by the Certification Sector for scoring of the structured credit method

a) Update courses


Responsible Institute


CETAT – Theoretical Course of Anticorrosive Paint Tests

ABRACO (Course Sector)


TTIP – Theoretical Course of Painting Inspection

ABRACO (Course Sector)



b) Congresses, workshops, Seminars


Responsible Institute



International Corrosion Council (ICC), ABRACO (Event Sector), Institute for Technological Research (IPT),  World Corrosion Organization (WCO)


SBPA 2021 – 8º Brazilian Seminar for Automotive Painting

ABRACO (Event Sector)



c) Minievents


Responsible Institute


How to avoid waste in Industrial Painting

ABRACO (Event Sector)



Documentation submission

To request recertification using the structured credit method, the professionals should send the following documentations by e-mail ( for analysis:

  1. the Form for requesting recertification (Exam or Structured Credit Method) duly completed and signed. In the latter, the professionals should indicate on the form the score requested for their recertification;
  2. the Conduct and Ethics code(RQ 004)completed and signed. In this case, the professional ratifies his agreement with the rules defined by the System;
  3. the Medical certificate of visual acuity, duly completed, according to the format defined by the System and valid for 6 months;
  4. the Term of Responsibilitycompleted and signed;
  5. the copy of the identification document with photo (ID, work card, national driver’s license, or passport);
  6. the copy of the Individual Taxpayer’s Registry (CPF). If the candidates CPF number appears on their identification document, a copy of the CPF will not be required;
  7. the copy of proof of educational background (diploma, course completion certificate or Class Council card). Declarations are not accepted;
  8. recent 3×4 photo (scanned);
  9. the copy of documents proving the minimum professional experience required in the specific qualification standard.

Note: all forms are available on the “Documents for download” page.


Guidelines for sending documentations

The documentations above should be sent to the following e-mail Please, pay attention to the following guidelines:

–    one file per document (example: a qualifying exam application form file, a code of conduct and ethics file, a visual acuity certificate file, an identification document file, a proof of education file, a work card file + declaration , among others);

–    documents should be properly completed, legible and in pdf format (except the 3×4 photo which can be sent in image format – jpg).

Note: we emphasize that the receipt of documentations for the Certification Sector should be done only by the following e-mail