
An appeal is a formal document presented to the Certification Bureau by the candidate for decision making regarding exam results or events related to the qualification, recertification, suspension or withdrawal of certification processes.

The maximum period for requesting an appeal (exam review, opposition of Certification Bureau decision, among others) should be up to 30 days after the receipt of the exam results by the candidate or after a communication from the Certification Bureau. The appeal fee is R$ 50.00. 

Registration and initial analyses

The appeal should be forwarded to the Certification Sector of ABRACO by filling out the appeal registration form (available in the file “documents for download”). If necessary, the candidate or professional can attach documents that justify the appeal request, such as checklists, evidence or even separate justification sheets.

In the case of an appeal regarding the results of exams, the record of the appeal should be made observing the following guidelines:

– the appeal should be made for each exam for which the candidate disagrees with the results, i.e., if the candidate failed two exams, he should submit two appeals;

– the candidate should fill out the field “EXAM” of the appeal form with the acronym of the exam modality (for example, TG-N1; EC; PC-01; PC-08; PO-01; PA-03; etc.). Appeals made personally; by phone; by e-mail or by message will not be accepted;

 – appeals should be made at once within the same stage of the candidate’s qualification or recertification process;

– the candidate may request an appeal within ten days after the announcement of the theoretical or practical exam results and upon payment of an appeal fee of R$ 50.00.

The Certification Bureau Manager should carry out an initial assessment of the appeal, in order to reject the requests in the following situations:

– appeal form with no signature of the appellant or incomplete data (appellant’s name, SNQC -CP No, exam data, among others);

– reasons or evidence presented in the appeal which do not justify the request or which are not enlightening.

Note: the appeal can only be made by the candidate or professional involved in the qualification or the recertification processes or in a decision issued by the Certification Bureau. Under no circumstances, the candidate can have access to the exam. 

Evaluation and Outcome of the Appeal

If the appeal is accepted by the Certification Bureau Manager, the Certification Bureau Secretariat should forward the appeal related to the qualification or the recertification exam to the Qualification Exam Center (CEQ, Centro de Exame de Qualificação) for analysis.

The review of the appeal by the CEQ should be done by a professional who has not carried out the initial assessment of the candidate.

The CEQ should send the result of the appeal analysis to the ABRACO’s Certification Sector within 30 days after receiving it.

The Certification Sector should forward to the appellant the result of the appeal analysis (in terms of Certification Bureau decisions or exams), adopting the following criteria:

– in case of approval of the appeal request, the result should be communicated to the professional and the appeal fee should be refunded;

– in the case of disapproval of the appeal request, the result should be communicated to the professional and the appeal fee should not be returned.

Note: the candidate who requests the appeal of a qualification or recertification exam will only be able to continue the qualification or recertification process after the decision of the appeal has been made. If the candidate requests a new exam before the result of the appeal, the process will be automatically closed because the appeal should be considered canceled.